
Photo of dancers in 1930s-style costumes from The Pretty Pants Bandit, with caption saying Keep the Magic Alive

YOUR support is crucial! Nonprofit theatres like ours are still struggling with aftereffects from the pandemic, and we need your help to rebuild a solid foundation for moving forward. Please consider giving a major one-time contribution to boost us back to health or becoming a monthly sustaining donor to help us level out our cash flow.

Over the last 30 years, you’ve helped us establish GET as a beloved neighborhood destination for entertainment and art. You’ve built relationships with us and introduced us to your friends. Now, we're expanding our reach so that Roswell continues to benefit from our programs AND we can offer Marietta residents more access to reliable, excellent professional theatre. That way, the whole north-metro community can experience the enhanced quality of life that comes from high quality arts & entertainment close to home. 

Please complete the form below and click "Submit" to make your tax-deductible donation.

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