Employment Opportunities at Georgia Ensemble Theatre
Current job openings listed below with a link to download full job description, compensation information, etc.

There are no positions currently open at GET. However, we accept resumes at all times, so if you'd like to submit your information, please use the link below.
Please submit your contact information and resume using this Google Form: https://forms.gle/x4QhAgRK1KpQG9Gw9. If you cannot access the form for any reason, please email your resume and a note about which job(s) you are applying for to info@nullget.org with the subject line EMPLOYMENT.
Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion/Equal Opportunity Employment
Georgia Ensemble Theatre has made changes to our hiring policies and procedures to provide more equitable hiring and a diverse staff. Guided by the work of organizations like WSYWAT, CREAT, IDEA ATL, the Atlanta Theatre Reckoning, and others, we are working to ensure that our company is a welcoming and safe environment for BIPOC artists, administrators, and audiences. While we recognize that full equity, diversion, and inclusion is a road to be traveled, not a finish line to be reached, we have established goals and benchmarks to help us measure our progress. All applicants and interested parties are invited into conversation on this topic with any staff member of GET. Our current goals are published on our website.
All listed jobs are open as of June 10, 2022. Applications will be reviewed and interviews scheduled on a rolling basis. We are seeking a diverse pool of candidates and will continue interviewing until we are satisfied that we’ve seen the widest possible field of applicants. No familiarity with the Atlanta market is required, and we would be happy to assist a new hire interested in moving to the metro Atlanta area. Georgia Ensemble Theatre is committed to transparency in hiring practices and salary negotiations. Any candidate who has questions about the job listings or hiring process is encouraged to email us and have a conversation with our leadership.