Georgia Ensemble Theatre Conservatory

A branch of the Georgia Ensemble Theatre Studio, the Conservatory is our training program for students, pre-professionals, avocational artists, and professional theatre artists furthering their skills.
To see the classes being offered in the upcoming semester, please click here.
Winter & Spring 2024
On Camera Film Acting for Adults: Self Tape & Audition with Lowrey Brown
On Camera Film Acting for Adults: Scene Study with Lowrey Brown
Adult Acting Classes: Shakespeare, Total Package Audition Intensive, Advanced Acting
Elementary Actor Lab: Acting is for Everybody! (Elementary)
Improv 101 for Middle & High School
The following programs are full. Please email for upcoming sessions
Intermediate Performance Ensemble (upper Elementary/Middle)
GET IT High School Improv Performance Troupe (High School)
Advanced Teen Ensemble
Summer 2024
Triple Threat: Act, Dance, Sing
(2nd-12th grade)
The Ultimate Acting Boot Camp (2 sessions available)
(ages 2nd-12th grade)
Theatre Arts Explosion
(elementary, K-5th)
Mash-Up Musical Madness
Improv & Sketch Fest
Performance Camp: Title To Be Announced
(pre-requisite required. Please email for more information)
Performance Camp: DESIGN/TECH
(ages 13-18)
Georgia Ensemble Theatre
Conservatory Credo
♥ We believe our first, most important responsibilities are to serve and grow as artists.
♥ We believe in selfless-ensemble collaboration. Service to each other will take us further than self-service ever could, so we seek ways to lift each other up and take care of each other.
♥ We find and create opportunities to amplify the people around us.
♥ We believe in “Failing with Pride.” We learn and grow from our mistakes.
♥ We believe in the process over the outcome. We take enormous risks without fear of failure. We trust that a healthy training process leads to a stronger product.
♥ We believe in challenging ourselves and consistently setting the standard higher every time.
♥ We approach each other with respect, kindness, and empathy—Always.
Cancellation Policy
In the event a student/family needs to cancel their registration, we require two-week's notice of the action to refund any tuition (less fees & deposit). Within the two-week window, we are able to offer an exchange/credit for a future camp or class, but no refunds will be made.